Saturday, January 21, 2017

Finding Balance

I would be lying if I didn't say that 2016 was a challenge for me personally to find balance between family, fitness, nutrition and running CrossFit Oswego.  Gina and I have been great at setting goals for the gym and achieving them but it has been at the expense of our own personal goals. In 2017 I will change that and find balance between running a successful business and finding more time for family and overall wellness.

Today is a great example of how I will take charge of my goals...

It is January 21st and it is 60 degrees outside in Oswego!  I have 40 hours of work to do in two days which will get done but something has to give, right?  I am going to take a long break and spend it playing outside with my boys and walking the dog with my wife because I need to.  I am also going to go out and enjoy a nice dinner for my son JoJo's 16th birthday without any technology because who really needs to speak to me at 6pm on a Saturday?  Today is the first day in 2017 I am taking charge of my goal to find a life balance but there will be many more to come I promise!

My challenge today is for you to do the same!  Go outside for 30 or 60 minutes and enjoy this beautiful day.  Play with your kids, play with the neighbors kids, walk your dog, take a run (0.0 is still my motto), read a book or whatever makes you happy just take a step away from the grind because you can there is always time!  You will be in a better mood, you will sleep better tonight and a little extra vitamin D never hurt anyone during these long midwest winters.

Happy 16th Birthday JoJo!

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