Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Giving Back

CrossFit Oswego opened its doors in May 2012 with about 50 members (mostly brand new CrossFitters). As we got to know our members we were somewhat surprised and impressed at the large number of first responders that started joining (Fire, Police, Military, Nurses, etc). Yes, we offered them a discount but that's not why they were there. Yes some of them have soft requirements or incentives for getting and staying in shape, but that wasn’t it either.  Adrenaline junkies? Maybe. Competitive type? Some. 
But it was more than that. We couldn’t help but notice the physical and emotional differences on the faces of people after a hard shift. It’s unspoken, but it was there.

We quickly realized that we had an opportunity. First, we had an answer that we believed to be a positive outlet, CrossFit. Something to direct some of that tension and emotion towards. Whether it was the comradery at the box, the loud music, the cursing out the wall ball or the heavy barbell we could offer a few minutes of peace and release. Second we felt a strong drive to use this collection of people who wanted to be more involved (our CFO crew) and try to create an event that honored the fallen, showed appreciation for our local first responders and raised money for charity. 
We, you, (CrossFit Oswego) have done that and will be proud to do it again this Friday, September 11, 2015.

I encourage all of you to come to the event. If you cannot attend please consider purchasing a shirt, or making a donation. The “Never Forget” shirts and tanks honor the 343 Firefighters and 60 Police Officers that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. The axes and 60 stars on the shirts are symbolic of their mission and sacrifice. The workout itself is also a symbolic tribute. Costs for the event are covered by CFO and sponsors (Integrated Physical Medicine, Cinderella Paleo, UR, 3-2-1 Apparel, Tap House, Kill Cliff) so that all funds raised can be split among the charities.

This year we have chosen 3 charities to split the funds raised. 

Wounded Wodders (501c3)

“We are a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to help wounded and injured Veterans use CrossFit® as part of their recovery. Our main mission is to sponsor Veterans by providing memberships to CrossFit® affiliates across the country.
We believe Therapeutic Recreation, in the form of fitness, is a vital component in the recovery process wounded and injured Veterans. Our philosophy is to provide Veterans with an inclusive program that identifies overlooked issues in a Veteran’s recovery. By providing a long term therapeutic recreation program that uses adaptive CrossFit® we can help improve Veteran’s physical, cognitive and social functioning.”

The Noah’s Arc Foundation (501c3)

“Noah’s Arc Foundation provides diverse opportunities for kids to become more aware and conscious of their ability to make a positive impact on themselves and their community. 
Every child has a unique passion, one that drives, excites and empowers them. Joakim has it – and his mother saw it. Now, together, they want to help children tap into those gifts by encouraging them to discover their true selves through the powerful combination of art and sports.”

The Kendall County Food Pantry (501c3)

“Kendall County Food Pantry is a not-for-profit organization established in 1987 in response to a growing need in Kendall County, IL.  KCFP is charged with the charitable collection & distribution of food, clothing and related necessities to those in need, in crisis and/or in emergency situations.  Including, but not limited to, the collection of donated funds for the acquisition of food, clothing, small household goods, personal products and necessities deemed necessary for personal use while an individual and/or family is in need.  Kendall County Food Pantry allows individuals/families to receive donated assistance while regaining self-sustainable status.”

As we wrap up these final details preparing for Friday, Joe and I are so excited (maybe a little anxious) for the 2015 event. Thank you so much for your continued support, it means so much to us! Special thanks to our army of helpers (you know who you are) who got us equipment, stepped up to volunteer, took off work, baked, cleaned, etc to get it done. THE BEST #hugetightbox around because you made it that way!

Thank You!
Gina, Joe, Emily, JoJo & Jackson

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Why Rx doesn't make you better...

There is a common misconception that the holy grail of CrossFit is to Rx all the workouts. This is where many athletes make a mistake and not only lose sight of their goals but could even begin regressing in skills and work capacity. The athlete willing to scale appropriately to their level or slightly above is key to consistent physical and mental gains. 

"How can that be? Working harder, heavier, longer is better for me, right?” 
Wrong!  Lets dig into the reasons why.

DON'T SKIP THIS PART IT'S VERY IMPORTANT! (sorry in advance for the mathlete in me kicking in)

Example #1

Workout of the day (WOD)
12 min AMRAP
7 Deadlift 155/105
7 Hang Clean & Jerk 155/105
7 Lateral Bar Burpees

Athlete 1 completes 5 rounds + 3 reps Rx

Athlete 2 completes 7 rounds + 9 reps scaled down to 115# and does 5 Burpees per round

Who had a better workout? The whiteboard will show Athlete 1 did because they hit the Rx button. The reality is much different!

Athlete 1 (male) Deadlifted a total of 5890lbs/38 reps, Clean & Jerked a total of 5425lbs/35 reps and completed 35 Burpees 

Athlete 2 (male) Deadlifted a total of 6440lbs/54 reps, Clean & Jerked a total of 5865lbs/51 reps and completed 35 Burpees.

The scaled athlete showed a much higher work capacity (relative intensity), moved more weight, completed more reps and did the same amount of burpees. This athlete will increase weights slow and steady in workouts showing consistent improvement which over time will result in their ability to hit a similar workout just as hard at Rx when the time is right.

Example #2 

Workout of the day (WOD)
5 Rounds for time
25 Wall Balls 20/14
15 S2OH 135/95
400m Run
[30 min time cap]

Athlete 1 (female) completes 4 rounds and 5 reps inside the time cap Rx

Athlete 2 (female) completes the workout in 25:21 with 12lb Wall Ball and 75lb S2OH

Who had the better workout? Who is moving with more intensity?  The whiteboard again will reward the athlete with the Rx but the Scaled athlete made the best choice.

Athlete 1 completed 105 wall balls/1470lbs, 45 S2OH/4275lbs and completed four 400m runs in 30:00 minutes of work.

Athlete 2 completed 125 wall balls/1500lbs, 60 S2OH/4500lbs and completed five 400m runs in a faster 25:21 minutes of work.

The athletes chose very different paths, which is their choice, but the athlete who scaled clearly has a much higher work capacity at high intensity. He squatted more, lifted more, and ran more than the athlete that did Rx in the end and kept their heart rate elevated because they took less breaks as evidence in the volume they completed. The only problem is the whiteboard doesn’t reflect it and that can become mentally defeating. The simple answer is with both workouts choosing Rx is a choice you have the right to make but it will not make you stronger or faster or consistently better a large majority of the time especially if it makes you take breaks and move slowly. We preach it every day at CFO “you work to get stronger in the skill portion of the day, not the WOD”. The WOD is for intensity, cardio, and movement that challenges the level of YOUR strength and skill.  If your ultimate goal is to "Rx the workouts" that is fine, but if your goal is to continue improving and getting the best workout consider all the options any given day. 

One of the next blog posts will focus solely on scaling but for the next few weeks if you are consistently choosing Rx or heavier scaling options forcing you to move slower and with less intensity, I challenge you to try a little less weight or some scaled movements and try to move with very high intensity.  Hit the skill/oly work hard to improve technique and build strength and use the Metcon as conditioning to make those lungs builds character, embrace it you will thank me later!

Coach Joe

#CrossFitOswego #Community #HUGETIGHTBOX

"Be impressed with intensity, not volume.” ~ Coach Glassman

"Come to me with tales of a 900 pound back squat, and I know already of some very serious limitations to your fitness. Come to me with a 4:15 mile - I am suspicious of your total capacities. But, if you tell me you've got a 650 pound back squat, and with a twinkle in your eye, about a 4:50 mile - I know we've got a monster.” ~ Coach Glassman

Chief Editor: GMM

Monday, August 17, 2015

What are YOUR goals?

Remember the day you walked into CrossFit Oswego (or another box if you’re a transfer?)
Why did you start? Were you nervous? Anxious? Excited? 
How did you feel when you left? Sweaty, excited, overwhelmed, maybe a little nauseas?  

(give that a minute to sink in and remember…)

The answer I received when I asked your goal on day one by a large majority was "to be a better fitter version of myself” or some version of that answer. Somewhere between hitting “Fran”, sharing your hatred for wall balls and smashing your squat clean PR your goal may have changed. You went from celebrating your successes to wanting more and maybe over-emphasizing your weaknesses. You started looking at CrossFit as your “sport” versus your means of “fitness” or bettering yourself. While this is one of the reasons we all love it, this can also lead to unreasonable expectations which leads to disappointment and possible premature burn-out. Have you caught yourself “leader-boarding?” or saying things like “I’m not getting better” or “how did he/she beat me at xyz?” While competition at CrossFit can be a healthy motivator, it can also lead to negative feelings about your progress, specifically if you are basing your goals or expectations on the success or performance of another athlete. If your goals are no longer based on you being a fitter, stronger, better version of YOURSELF, then they are ultimately based off another athlete’s goals.

My goal is to get a pull-up because Betty did.  
My goal is to clean 185lbs because Johnny did.
My goal is to Rx all the workouts because I should be able to by now.

My question to you is this…why would your performance or results have anything to do with another athlete? The first year most CrossFit athletes make huge gains because you start from the bottom with all the movements and the learning curve is heavily in your favor.  Every time you walk in the door it seems like the gold ribbon is next to your name and you leave the box feeling proud and accomplished because of it.  When year two or maybe three roll around the reality sets in, the PRs are harder to achieve, you understand the basic movements, you start to hear us preach about technique and full range movements. We remind and encourage you to hit the skills hard and focus on intensity above all in the WODs and not the Rx button if you want to see improvement. These may not be the things that excite you, or that you like to hear but they are the things you need to listen to if you intend to do CrossFit long-term. Don’t let this second or third or fourth year be the one that ruins CrossFit for you.  

If you want to avoid premature burnout and keep your mind focused and celebrating success set some goals for yourself. Start with one or two short-term attainable goals that will help you achieve your longer term goals and commit to putting in the hard work to make them a reality. Goals should be action based, measurable and realistic and should be based on your own reasons for doing CrossFit. Take ownership of your goals, write them down and re-evaluate them when necessary.

Short Term examples:
-show up 3 times per week 
-take less breaks during the met-con
-focus during the skill on completing the rep scheme as prescribed
-put in 15 minutes 3 days per week for 6 weeks on Crossover Symmetry bands to help with pull-ups and overhead strength
-row an extra 500m for intensity every time you come to CFO to help with endurance
-complete 30 minutes of mobility 3 days per week to stay healthy and increase range of motion
-come to at least one WOD every week that focuses on my weaknesses

Long Term examples:
-Increase from 3 days per week to 4 days, 5 days, etc.
-Increase my squats (BS, FS & OHS) by 5-10%
-Get my first…HSPU, Pull-Up, TTB, etc.
-Run an entire mile without walking
-Rx a benchmark

There is no substitute for hard work and when you put in the work and set attainable goals that feeling of accomplishment when you leave everyday will return.  Get back to making this about YOU and the fitness journey you are on will be a happier and healthier one!

Coach Joe



Chief Editor: GMM